
Tuesday 15 October 2013

I am falling down today

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to every reader in my blog!

Thank you for reading my blog now. Today, I am having a little upset and stress because what I had plan for was not what I had expected. One,  I lost on Maybelline Rocket Mascara contest but don't worry my class A3T2B, still have pizza for you guys on the next semester. Haha. but I think maybe my make up skill is not quiet enough compare with you guys! Anyway, congratulation to the winners!

Secondly, I planned to meet my bestfriends  and my TTM to go to some party but it's not going to happened and I end up fighting with my friend. I am sorry dear bestfriend, it's not for me want to blame you, it's my wrong, please forgive me, I still love our relationship :( . Anytime when you're feeling ok, please call me back.

Thirdly, I met someone new yesterday with my best friend, he was so nice when I bulled him, asked for help carry my shopping item. Haha, but he doesn't care and help me up. Then we are spent time together like playing arcade game, hanging up and karaoke. It's seem like a date for me before, ahh, I am missing that moment when I was so young and innocent and had my first date. But now, I not naive and easily to trust with a guy that I had met. I also don't want too giving hope to him as seem he is hot and famous on facebook with other girls in his collage. If he really like me then he will try to find me, not me to 'terhegeh2' contact him again right?

Fourth, to dear my TTM, did I had doing something wrong to you guys, then you are so fucking arrogant to me when you're online or we were came across then you're make me like your stranger! Where are our  reminiscence, don't you forget me and where are you when I need you in trouble? YOU ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENED TO ME and you DON'T CARE! Are you really2 busy or just want to avoid from me? Ok I admit, maybe I am not prefect to you, Just remember that,I am not kind of easily forgetting friend. So who's forget friend? think about that!

Fifth, my ex shit love got married, do I care with that?

Sixth, someone had to pay debts to me but they run, seriously, if you think you're real man please pay it back!

Last, what the heck tomorrow I need to go back to Perlis? Is this holiday or what? just 4.5 days holiday then my father and mother asked me to do this and that. When I want to study for my final semester examination? Bla bla bla,.

Thanks for reading with my broken english!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Review : Part 2 : Help, bedak sejuk tanakha just give me worst skin!!

Hello everyone,

I can't wait to come back home at Johor tomorrow as for Aidil Adha's day. But the holiday is only 4 days then I have to go back to my colleague at Perlis. :( . I hope if I can waste my time with my family wisely. Johor, I will come back soon!

As you're read to my title above, yes it is true. Bedak tanaka was hot selling on 3 month ago. Many of good review we hear about this bedak sejuk but but but, not for me. Please refer to my last post here :

Review : part 1 bedak tanaka
My worse skin because of using bedak tanaka

My ugly face with bedak tanaka

Usually, I use my skincare product of Nano Whitening plus krim ibu putih everyday. My acne scar was slowing fade away so I guess if I use bedak sejuk tanaka will boost my skin into clear. But my expectation is not what I think so. After I using within 2 night as seem like I have allergic with something. Then I stop using it, my skin turn into this!

I wish if you can see many of small bump on my  face is red color! It fell very itchy.

Bedak sejuk tanaka,I regert to use you again. Please recover my skin back!!! Seemly my roomate stop using this product because yes, it will reduce the pimple from growing but the other pimples is growing again!

Sorry bedak sejuk tanaka, maybe I am not suitable with you. So bye bye, will giveaway to someone who interest and suitable with you.

but lucky, my skin available fix itself. Yey!

thank for reading!

Sunday 6 October 2013

Boucher Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M) 2013!

Hi guys,

We are so lucky here for living in Malaysia, guess what, the Minister of Higher Education Malaysia was grant to every scholar the book voucher for RM250, yey!

I got 5 of this BB1M which every one is RM50. Whose got this please raise your hand up!

The purpose of this guideline is to describe the printing process, acceptance and payment Voucher book
RM250 like which was announced by Y.A.B. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance during the Budget 2013 on 28th September 2012 in Parliament .
Government proposes an allocation of RM325 million given to grant initiative voucher book with amount of  RM250 per student .
This initiative is expected to benefit 1.3 million students throughout country

This initiative is designed to ease the burden of buying books study. In addition, this initiative is expected to foster interest reading among Malaysians.

Eligible students accept the BB1M is consists of

  • Must be Malaysian national
  • In Malaysia during the period implementation BB1M
  • Pursue and in active status of matriculation center /Form 6 /Polytechnics / Higher Education Institute (HEI) public and private local in the period from 1 January to May 31, 2013
  • demanded by the institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education or the educational establishments registered under these Acts ruling
  • currently pursuing a full-time or part-time; 
  • pursuing studies in matriculation /basic education (foundation) / Form 6 / ALevel / diploma / advanced diploma / degree / masters / doctorate / professional courses with diploma qualifications on recognized by the Government or its authority professional in Malaysia and 
  • are pursuing in collaboration and registered under the HEI subsidiary

See, I just using google translate and outer some of these keling sentences to get prefect, hohoho. I got the BB1M on 18th Steptember 2013 but why the voucher are written to be valid until 31 May 2013? I was planning to spent the BB1M in Johor when I'm back home with SUPER BOOK STORE so there are many choice of variety book. But during 23th to 27th Sept, there are Book Carnival running in my collage's libary.

There are more 7 store here that selling books, stationary, computer device and some electric component. I thought they are not accept the voucher book for electric and computer component but yes they are. The only thing is the price quiet bit expensive not worth to their qualities device as it made in China compare if your buy it at outside.


Me here with my friends. I am posing like a teacher because of the dress that I wear is from my lecture aka my mentor.  Actually, I really need power bank and thumbdrive to do my work so I just bought it when I know it is expensive but it's free, so I don't want to miss chance to grab it! I was also purchase the card reader which I don't really use it just to kill my total RM100 voucher!

So this is all my using BB1M. Quiet a lot right? I really want to purchase the next semester of my education book but there are so not many choice for matriculation book sell here but if there is already sold out! So I just bought my favorite magazines, motivation books and mathematics subject which I am weak with ( atcually, I am lazy to study with this subject). Muhahaha.

You can see the device that I bought with the price tag, my thumbdrive is mising! Haha not really, my friend borrow to fill our picture. So tell me, what did you use with your BB1M? Make sure what you have bought it will get your satisfaction and useful!

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

My hair fall solution

2 minggu lalu kan Nia ada buat rambut Alfrelle braid tak silap namanya separuh je buat kt salon yang berdekatan.  Nia buat ni pun untuk enter contest Maybelline, terima kasih kerana mem'vote', Nia dah tangga ke 5 dari 136 orang penyertaan.

Tapi baru-baru ini rambut Nia gugur akibat daripada membuat rebonding 2 bulan lalu, memang betul laa kata kawan Nia, ada yang tak berani buat rebonding sebab memang keguguran rambut berlaku.

 Tengok, banyak kan gugur, tu baru je 2-3 kali je sikat kalau banyak-banyak kali memang botak laa aku!

So Nia pon memang tak sabar-sabar na decide untuk buat rambut treatment ni berharga RM40. So kepada yang sesiapa duduk di Arau, Perlis tu sama ada u student tak kira laa laki or perempuan ke, student Matrik or UITM or Politeknik or sudah bekerja ke , boleh laa pergi ke kedai ni, kedudukkannya kat belakang Cmart sebelah kedai First Touch iaitu kedai alat tulis dan buku yang terbesar di Arau. Kalau korang tahu.

Harga pun lebih murah berbanding kedai lain,contohnya untuk gunting rambut kedai lain RM13++ tapi kedai ni RM10++ je. Pergi tau jangan tak pergi! Boleh contact owner dy Evon - 0164533385 kalau sesat or na tanya apa-apa kan pasal harga. Masa haritu Nia buat rambut Alfrelle RM15. tapi masa ni muka memang risau je laa gugur banyak!

So ini laa dia Evon, kalau nak tahu dia pregnant 8 bulan dah tapi dy still kuat tau, jangan main-main!

 Tengok lah selepas buat treatment ni, haa kau terus tak ada rambut gugur! setakat 1-2 helai tu ada kat sikat it's normal.
So ni happy je muka kan sebab rambut bebas daripada gugur, weehee. tapi-tapi my alfrelle braid dah habis :(  Nanti-nanti Nia akan bagi tips untuk menjaga rambut k.

Terima kasih semua,jangan lupa singgah kat kedai Evon tau.

Sunday 29 September 2013

My daily life at KMP


Sepatutnya Nia menulis post ini pada minggu lepas tetapi tak sempat jadi hari ni baru lah terhegeh2 nak tulis, dengan mata yang mengantuknya sambil menghirup kopi, berjaga tengah malam untuk menyiapkan kerja kolej dan esok ada kelas akaun (padan muke kau nok!) Tapi tak pe laa, rasanya sudah banyak Nia menghabiskan masa dengan kelekaan di fukbook eh facebook, then apa salahnya jika Nia korban kan masa ni untuk perkara berfaedah kan demi mencapai cita-cita. Dalam masa yang sama pun terasa orang yang dislike my page, hukhuk sabaq-sabaq, itu dugaan. Tak pe laa, kalau 5 orang yang dislike 50 orang lagi yang datang untuk like. AMIN!

My daily life ni di inspirasi kn oleh seseorang yang meminta Nia untuk menulis tentang kehidupan Nia di KMP. So Nia type je laa apa yang terlintas dipikiran. Penggunaan 'aku' dalam post ini adalah umpama Nia seperti menulis diari, memang kasar tetapi itu lah yang sesuai. Harap korang semua enjoy ye.

Mood aku sekarang tengah giler-giler sama masa aku pada minggu lepas. hahaha. Ok, mula-mula aku dah basuh baju dari awal pagi subuh dan mendirikan solat Subuh. Settle sidai aku sambung laa belajar dari pagi hingga ke petang sambil-sambil ber facebook. Dah petang baru aku teringat yang aku kena angkat baju. Tengah semangat nak angkat baju tu tibe-tiba jadi macam ni pulak.
 Baru aku teringat yang aku lupa sepit baju dari pagi tu. So habis lah jatuh kat bawah bumbung seperti ni.

 Aku duduk kat aras 3, so tengah sorang-sorang tu di bilik kerana roomate aku semua pergi beli makanan yang meninggalkan aku seorang diri keseorangan yang bla bla bla....aku pun memikirkan cara bagaimana nak dapat kan baju kurung aku yang tak seberapa ini. (ada spender di sebelah tapi di sensorkan :p) Lalu, aku buatlah kerja gile dengan panjat tembok seperti hendak membunuh diri tetapi tak sampai kerana aku pendek (shit!).
nampak tak muka ke bangangan aku ni dengan menggunakan penyapu, akhirnya dapat gak aku dapat balik baju aku ni. Aku kira bernasib baik sotong kering dan cermin mata aku tidak terbang jauh di tiup sebab aku dah guna penyepit, tetapi kenapa ley lupa lak sepit kat baju. Memang FAIL menyusahkan hidup aku je!

Baru tengah hari tu ayah aku mesej, duit sudah dimasukkan untuk aku belanja barang dapur seperti maggi, kopi, biskut dan bla bla bla, so nak dekat RM30 duit aku habis gitu je untuk dijadikan stok makanan aku di bilik yang tercintan ini.


Then, aku beli laa koleksi nescafe dan tongkat ali ni untuk cergas kan minda aku (tongkat ali untuk minda? u know what I mean) supaya aku tak mengantuk untuk menyiapkan kerja kolej aku yang berbuih timbulnya.

Bancuh dulu kopi sambil menikmati kelazatan perisa nescafe ini. <3 tetapi aku gi letak air penuh so tawarlah rasanya. Memang FAIL!

Baiklah,dah ada menikmati kopi dengan cawan yang kuit miut barulah ada semagat untuk sambung belajar, diulangi,semangat yer. Tapi netbook aku sangat memanggil aku untuk bermain dengannya. So I will kill it!

Tengah aku buat kerja pengurusan perniagaan ni, tiba-tiba aku berangan jadi duta produk yang di sponsorkan kat aku oleh kedai kat sini. (One day,cewah!) Lihatlaa muka ku tanpa make up dan edit lah sangat!

So tengah rambut yang merimakan kan ini dengan tiada sepit rambut, aku pun menggunakan clip kertas seperti dalam cerita Lawak Kampus Gempak. Kreatif tak kreatif tak?

Jadi harap aku dapat siapkan semua kerja kolej aku ni supaya aku dapat 4 flat di PSPM ini. AMIN!

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Outing times! : Karnival Riang Ria brought by

Assalamualaikum semua,

Hari ni Nia akan menceritakan tentang outing Nia di KMP, Arau pada hari sabtu. Biasanya Nia outing dalam 3-4 minggu sekali. Tetapi hari ni 28 Oct 2013 Nia keluar sebab satu na buat treatment rambut, nak habis kan baucer buku dan ketiga Karnival Riang Ria!

Actually, tak expect pon ada karnival ni tapi mungkin dah rezeki kan namanya, so tepat2 laa masanya untuk mendapatkan HADIAH! Click gambar di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut.


Firstly, kena like dengan log in account facebook then click like and share link. Alaa macam Nia buat masa vote Nia kat maybelline rocket mascara tu, so Nia support je laa :p , tapi kawan-kawan yang lain malas nak support. Haha. . . Oh, btw I am all pink, dah ter'over' sangat tu. Cewahh!

 lepas like tu Nia dapat gift pen.
Kemudian, Nia dapat 1 kupon untuk bermain satu game iaitu baling bola. Agent Jesin tu cakap kalau nak dapatkan hadiah perlu dapat 3 point ke atas, so Nia pon terimalah cabaran tu dengan dapat 4 point. Muahahaha. . . .

So Nia pon dapat lah hadiahnya iaitu lampu kecil. So cute!

Yang ini Hanun, Farah and Awatif yang sama-sama join karnival ni dengan Nia. Actually, Nia awlnya keluar dengan roomate Nia tapi diorang nak balik cepat sebab Nia nak buat rambut then pada masa tu kawan-kawan di atas ni outing so Nia balik laa dengan diorang.

Ni hadiah nya, tengs for Jesin to give me so cute touchlight!

Btw, sampai je kat pintu pagar KMP tu sempat lagi Awatif nak buah pelam. Haha. . .
Nak tunjuk pun lupa amik gambar pelam tu. Apa-apa hal pun Tengs semua, sangat enjoy outing dengan korang.

Boleh lihat di post ni tentang rambut gugur ataupun tentang baucer buku 1Malaysia.

Friday 27 September 2013

Maybelline NY contest rocket mascara 2013

Assalamualaikum semua,
Sorry lah baru nak update blog sebab Nia ingatkan sempat untuk post entry baru dalam masa 4 hari ini tetapi tak sempat sebab sibuk dengan vote2 Nia kat maybelline New York contest rocket mascara!. Memang full time masa free Nia terluang kat voting, hampir 4 hari Nia memang tak buat kerja Kolej, Muahahahaha. . . . . Terima kasih sebab Nia sudah capai tangga yang ke-5!

Sangat excited masa tu dapat antara 30 orang terpilih untuk ke SemiFinal but at the same time sedih sebab. . . what the heck sama tarikh dengan paper akhir Pengurusan Perniagaan pada 31 Oct? Arghhh. . . . . I want be on TV. Tak tahu laa macam mana nak cakap. Apa-apa hal pun Nia akan buat sebaik yang mungkin untuk memasuki Final tapi untuk hadir exclusive party pada 31 Oct ni, I don't know boleh ke tak. :(

Untuk memasuki final Nia harus submit makeover Nia mengikut salah satu tema di atas, kot? Diberi masa 15 hari.  Nia pun confius. Nanti lepas Nia dapat sponsor Channel brand sunglasses, boleh beli kat sini sebab harga memang murah giler 20-70% daripada pasaran tau! Kalau tak percaya cur tanye orang tu. So bile sampai boleh lah Nia buat photoshoot. Weheee..boleh tengok video tutorial makeover kat sini.

 Graffiti Look -

Liner Junkie Look -

NY Look -

Hadiah dia amat lumayan antaranya

- Top 30 semi-finalest akan di invite ke Grant Party untuk dapatkan Goodies bag Maybelline bernilai RM80
- 13 Finalist akan dipanggil ke Grant Party tersebut untuk cabaran seterusnya dan masuk ke Projek 3R dalam TV3!
- 2 orang akan memenangi tiket ke New york

Best kan hadiahnya, Nia target sampai final tapi apakan daya, mempunyai halangan. Terkilan rasa sebab ini merupakan impian Nia semenjak umur 16 tahun lagi nak enter contest then masuk tv. Why, peperiksaan paper last mesti 31 Oct ni nak buat, why contest tu mesti 31 Oct, tak boleh buat hari lain or hari sabtu dan ahad ke? Hmm ntah laa, kalau ada rezeki segalanya akan berubah untuk Nia mencapai impian Nia. I need miracle!


I am falling down today

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning to every reader in my blog!

Thank you for reading my blog now. Today, I am having a little upset and stress because what I had plan for was not what I had expected. One,  I lost on Maybelline Rocket Mascara contest but don't worry my class A3T2B, still have pizza for you guys on the next semester. Haha. but I think maybe my make up skill is not quiet enough compare with you guys! Anyway, congratulation to the winners!

Secondly, I planned to meet my bestfriends  and my TTM to go to some party but it's not going to happened and I end up fighting with my friend. I am sorry dear bestfriend, it's not for me want to blame you, it's my wrong, please forgive me, I still love our relationship :( . Anytime when you're feeling ok, please call me back.

Thirdly, I met someone new yesterday with my best friend, he was so nice when I bulled him, asked for help carry my shopping item. Haha, but he doesn't care and help me up. Then we are spent time together like playing arcade game, hanging up and karaoke. It's seem like a date for me before, ahh, I am missing that moment when I was so young and innocent and had my first date. But now, I not naive and easily to trust with a guy that I had met. I also don't want too giving hope to him as seem he is hot and famous on facebook with other girls in his collage. If he really like me then he will try to find me, not me to 'terhegeh2' contact him again right?

Fourth, to dear my TTM, did I had doing something wrong to you guys, then you are so fucking arrogant to me when you're online or we were came across then you're make me like your stranger! Where are our  reminiscence, don't you forget me and where are you when I need you in trouble? YOU ACTUALLY DONT KNOW WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENED TO ME and you DON'T CARE! Are you really2 busy or just want to avoid from me? Ok I admit, maybe I am not prefect to you, Just remember that,I am not kind of easily forgetting friend. So who's forget friend? think about that!

Fifth, my ex shit love got married, do I care with that?

Sixth, someone had to pay debts to me but they run, seriously, if you think you're real man please pay it back!

Last, what the heck tomorrow I need to go back to Perlis? Is this holiday or what? just 4.5 days holiday then my father and mother asked me to do this and that. When I want to study for my final semester examination? Bla bla bla,.

Thanks for reading with my broken english!

Review : Part 2 : Help, bedak sejuk tanakha just give me worst skin!!

Hello everyone,

I can't wait to come back home at Johor tomorrow as for Aidil Adha's day. But the holiday is only 4 days then I have to go back to my colleague at Perlis. :( . I hope if I can waste my time with my family wisely. Johor, I will come back soon!

As you're read to my title above, yes it is true. Bedak tanaka was hot selling on 3 month ago. Many of good review we hear about this bedak sejuk but but but, not for me. Please refer to my last post here :

Review : part 1 bedak tanaka
My worse skin because of using bedak tanaka

My ugly face with bedak tanaka

Usually, I use my skincare product of Nano Whitening plus krim ibu putih everyday. My acne scar was slowing fade away so I guess if I use bedak sejuk tanaka will boost my skin into clear. But my expectation is not what I think so. After I using within 2 night as seem like I have allergic with something. Then I stop using it, my skin turn into this!

I wish if you can see many of small bump on my  face is red color! It fell very itchy.

Bedak sejuk tanaka,I regert to use you again. Please recover my skin back!!! Seemly my roomate stop using this product because yes, it will reduce the pimple from growing but the other pimples is growing again!

Sorry bedak sejuk tanaka, maybe I am not suitable with you. So bye bye, will giveaway to someone who interest and suitable with you.

but lucky, my skin available fix itself. Yey!

thank for reading!

Boucher Buku 1Malaysia (BB1M) 2013!

Hi guys,

We are so lucky here for living in Malaysia, guess what, the Minister of Higher Education Malaysia was grant to every scholar the book voucher for RM250, yey!

I got 5 of this BB1M which every one is RM50. Whose got this please raise your hand up!

The purpose of this guideline is to describe the printing process, acceptance and payment Voucher book
RM250 like which was announced by Y.A.B. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance during the Budget 2013 on 28th September 2012 in Parliament .
Government proposes an allocation of RM325 million given to grant initiative voucher book with amount of  RM250 per student .
This initiative is expected to benefit 1.3 million students throughout country

This initiative is designed to ease the burden of buying books study. In addition, this initiative is expected to foster interest reading among Malaysians.

Eligible students accept the BB1M is consists of

  • Must be Malaysian national
  • In Malaysia during the period implementation BB1M
  • Pursue and in active status of matriculation center /Form 6 /Polytechnics / Higher Education Institute (HEI) public and private local in the period from 1 January to May 31, 2013
  • demanded by the institutions under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education or the educational establishments registered under these Acts ruling
  • currently pursuing a full-time or part-time; 
  • pursuing studies in matriculation /basic education (foundation) / Form 6 / ALevel / diploma / advanced diploma / degree / masters / doctorate / professional courses with diploma qualifications on recognized by the Government or its authority professional in Malaysia and 
  • are pursuing in collaboration and registered under the HEI subsidiary

See, I just using google translate and outer some of these keling sentences to get prefect, hohoho. I got the BB1M on 18th Steptember 2013 but why the voucher are written to be valid until 31 May 2013? I was planning to spent the BB1M in Johor when I'm back home with SUPER BOOK STORE so there are many choice of variety book. But during 23th to 27th Sept, there are Book Carnival running in my collage's libary.

There are more 7 store here that selling books, stationary, computer device and some electric component. I thought they are not accept the voucher book for electric and computer component but yes they are. The only thing is the price quiet bit expensive not worth to their qualities device as it made in China compare if your buy it at outside.


Me here with my friends. I am posing like a teacher because of the dress that I wear is from my lecture aka my mentor.  Actually, I really need power bank and thumbdrive to do my work so I just bought it when I know it is expensive but it's free, so I don't want to miss chance to grab it! I was also purchase the card reader which I don't really use it just to kill my total RM100 voucher!

So this is all my using BB1M. Quiet a lot right? I really want to purchase the next semester of my education book but there are so not many choice for matriculation book sell here but if there is already sold out! So I just bought my favorite magazines, motivation books and mathematics subject which I am weak with ( atcually, I am lazy to study with this subject). Muhahaha.

You can see the device that I bought with the price tag, my thumbdrive is mising! Haha not really, my friend borrow to fill our picture. So tell me, what did you use with your BB1M? Make sure what you have bought it will get your satisfaction and useful!

Thanks for reading.

My hair fall solution

2 minggu lalu kan Nia ada buat rambut Alfrelle braid tak silap namanya separuh je buat kt salon yang berdekatan.  Nia buat ni pun untuk enter contest Maybelline, terima kasih kerana mem'vote', Nia dah tangga ke 5 dari 136 orang penyertaan.

Tapi baru-baru ini rambut Nia gugur akibat daripada membuat rebonding 2 bulan lalu, memang betul laa kata kawan Nia, ada yang tak berani buat rebonding sebab memang keguguran rambut berlaku.

 Tengok, banyak kan gugur, tu baru je 2-3 kali je sikat kalau banyak-banyak kali memang botak laa aku!

So Nia pon memang tak sabar-sabar na decide untuk buat rambut treatment ni berharga RM40. So kepada yang sesiapa duduk di Arau, Perlis tu sama ada u student tak kira laa laki or perempuan ke, student Matrik or UITM or Politeknik or sudah bekerja ke , boleh laa pergi ke kedai ni, kedudukkannya kat belakang Cmart sebelah kedai First Touch iaitu kedai alat tulis dan buku yang terbesar di Arau. Kalau korang tahu.

Harga pun lebih murah berbanding kedai lain,contohnya untuk gunting rambut kedai lain RM13++ tapi kedai ni RM10++ je. Pergi tau jangan tak pergi! Boleh contact owner dy Evon - 0164533385 kalau sesat or na tanya apa-apa kan pasal harga. Masa haritu Nia buat rambut Alfrelle RM15. tapi masa ni muka memang risau je laa gugur banyak!

So ini laa dia Evon, kalau nak tahu dia pregnant 8 bulan dah tapi dy still kuat tau, jangan main-main!

 Tengok lah selepas buat treatment ni, haa kau terus tak ada rambut gugur! setakat 1-2 helai tu ada kat sikat it's normal.
So ni happy je muka kan sebab rambut bebas daripada gugur, weehee. tapi-tapi my alfrelle braid dah habis :(  Nanti-nanti Nia akan bagi tips untuk menjaga rambut k.

Terima kasih semua,jangan lupa singgah kat kedai Evon tau.

My daily life at KMP


Sepatutnya Nia menulis post ini pada minggu lepas tetapi tak sempat jadi hari ni baru lah terhegeh2 nak tulis, dengan mata yang mengantuknya sambil menghirup kopi, berjaga tengah malam untuk menyiapkan kerja kolej dan esok ada kelas akaun (padan muke kau nok!) Tapi tak pe laa, rasanya sudah banyak Nia menghabiskan masa dengan kelekaan di fukbook eh facebook, then apa salahnya jika Nia korban kan masa ni untuk perkara berfaedah kan demi mencapai cita-cita. Dalam masa yang sama pun terasa orang yang dislike my page, hukhuk sabaq-sabaq, itu dugaan. Tak pe laa, kalau 5 orang yang dislike 50 orang lagi yang datang untuk like. AMIN!

My daily life ni di inspirasi kn oleh seseorang yang meminta Nia untuk menulis tentang kehidupan Nia di KMP. So Nia type je laa apa yang terlintas dipikiran. Penggunaan 'aku' dalam post ini adalah umpama Nia seperti menulis diari, memang kasar tetapi itu lah yang sesuai. Harap korang semua enjoy ye.

Mood aku sekarang tengah giler-giler sama masa aku pada minggu lepas. hahaha. Ok, mula-mula aku dah basuh baju dari awal pagi subuh dan mendirikan solat Subuh. Settle sidai aku sambung laa belajar dari pagi hingga ke petang sambil-sambil ber facebook. Dah petang baru aku teringat yang aku kena angkat baju. Tengah semangat nak angkat baju tu tibe-tiba jadi macam ni pulak.
 Baru aku teringat yang aku lupa sepit baju dari pagi tu. So habis lah jatuh kat bawah bumbung seperti ni.

 Aku duduk kat aras 3, so tengah sorang-sorang tu di bilik kerana roomate aku semua pergi beli makanan yang meninggalkan aku seorang diri keseorangan yang bla bla bla....aku pun memikirkan cara bagaimana nak dapat kan baju kurung aku yang tak seberapa ini. (ada spender di sebelah tapi di sensorkan :p) Lalu, aku buatlah kerja gile dengan panjat tembok seperti hendak membunuh diri tetapi tak sampai kerana aku pendek (shit!).
nampak tak muka ke bangangan aku ni dengan menggunakan penyapu, akhirnya dapat gak aku dapat balik baju aku ni. Aku kira bernasib baik sotong kering dan cermin mata aku tidak terbang jauh di tiup sebab aku dah guna penyepit, tetapi kenapa ley lupa lak sepit kat baju. Memang FAIL menyusahkan hidup aku je!

Baru tengah hari tu ayah aku mesej, duit sudah dimasukkan untuk aku belanja barang dapur seperti maggi, kopi, biskut dan bla bla bla, so nak dekat RM30 duit aku habis gitu je untuk dijadikan stok makanan aku di bilik yang tercintan ini.


Then, aku beli laa koleksi nescafe dan tongkat ali ni untuk cergas kan minda aku (tongkat ali untuk minda? u know what I mean) supaya aku tak mengantuk untuk menyiapkan kerja kolej aku yang berbuih timbulnya.

Bancuh dulu kopi sambil menikmati kelazatan perisa nescafe ini. <3 tetapi aku gi letak air penuh so tawarlah rasanya. Memang FAIL!

Baiklah,dah ada menikmati kopi dengan cawan yang kuit miut barulah ada semagat untuk sambung belajar, diulangi,semangat yer. Tapi netbook aku sangat memanggil aku untuk bermain dengannya. So I will kill it!

Tengah aku buat kerja pengurusan perniagaan ni, tiba-tiba aku berangan jadi duta produk yang di sponsorkan kat aku oleh kedai kat sini. (One day,cewah!) Lihatlaa muka ku tanpa make up dan edit lah sangat!

So tengah rambut yang merimakan kan ini dengan tiada sepit rambut, aku pun menggunakan clip kertas seperti dalam cerita Lawak Kampus Gempak. Kreatif tak kreatif tak?

Jadi harap aku dapat siapkan semua kerja kolej aku ni supaya aku dapat 4 flat di PSPM ini. AMIN!

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca!

Outing times! : Karnival Riang Ria brought by

Assalamualaikum semua,

Hari ni Nia akan menceritakan tentang outing Nia di KMP, Arau pada hari sabtu. Biasanya Nia outing dalam 3-4 minggu sekali. Tetapi hari ni 28 Oct 2013 Nia keluar sebab satu na buat treatment rambut, nak habis kan baucer buku dan ketiga Karnival Riang Ria!

Actually, tak expect pon ada karnival ni tapi mungkin dah rezeki kan namanya, so tepat2 laa masanya untuk mendapatkan HADIAH! Click gambar di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut.


Firstly, kena like dengan log in account facebook then click like and share link. Alaa macam Nia buat masa vote Nia kat maybelline rocket mascara tu, so Nia support je laa :p , tapi kawan-kawan yang lain malas nak support. Haha. . . Oh, btw I am all pink, dah ter'over' sangat tu. Cewahh!

 lepas like tu Nia dapat gift pen.
Kemudian, Nia dapat 1 kupon untuk bermain satu game iaitu baling bola. Agent Jesin tu cakap kalau nak dapatkan hadiah perlu dapat 3 point ke atas, so Nia pon terimalah cabaran tu dengan dapat 4 point. Muahahaha. . . .

So Nia pon dapat lah hadiahnya iaitu lampu kecil. So cute!

Yang ini Hanun, Farah and Awatif yang sama-sama join karnival ni dengan Nia. Actually, Nia awlnya keluar dengan roomate Nia tapi diorang nak balik cepat sebab Nia nak buat rambut then pada masa tu kawan-kawan di atas ni outing so Nia balik laa dengan diorang.

Ni hadiah nya, tengs for Jesin to give me so cute touchlight!

Btw, sampai je kat pintu pagar KMP tu sempat lagi Awatif nak buah pelam. Haha. . .
Nak tunjuk pun lupa amik gambar pelam tu. Apa-apa hal pun Tengs semua, sangat enjoy outing dengan korang.

Boleh lihat di post ni tentang rambut gugur ataupun tentang baucer buku 1Malaysia.

Maybelline NY contest rocket mascara 2013

Assalamualaikum semua,
Sorry lah baru nak update blog sebab Nia ingatkan sempat untuk post entry baru dalam masa 4 hari ini tetapi tak sempat sebab sibuk dengan vote2 Nia kat maybelline New York contest rocket mascara!. Memang full time masa free Nia terluang kat voting, hampir 4 hari Nia memang tak buat kerja Kolej, Muahahahaha. . . . . Terima kasih sebab Nia sudah capai tangga yang ke-5!

Sangat excited masa tu dapat antara 30 orang terpilih untuk ke SemiFinal but at the same time sedih sebab. . . what the heck sama tarikh dengan paper akhir Pengurusan Perniagaan pada 31 Oct? Arghhh. . . . . I want be on TV. Tak tahu laa macam mana nak cakap. Apa-apa hal pun Nia akan buat sebaik yang mungkin untuk memasuki Final tapi untuk hadir exclusive party pada 31 Oct ni, I don't know boleh ke tak. :(

Untuk memasuki final Nia harus submit makeover Nia mengikut salah satu tema di atas, kot? Diberi masa 15 hari.  Nia pun confius. Nanti lepas Nia dapat sponsor Channel brand sunglasses, boleh beli kat sini sebab harga memang murah giler 20-70% daripada pasaran tau! Kalau tak percaya cur tanye orang tu. So bile sampai boleh lah Nia buat photoshoot. Weheee..boleh tengok video tutorial makeover kat sini.

 Graffiti Look -

Liner Junkie Look -

NY Look -

Hadiah dia amat lumayan antaranya

- Top 30 semi-finalest akan di invite ke Grant Party untuk dapatkan Goodies bag Maybelline bernilai RM80
- 13 Finalist akan dipanggil ke Grant Party tersebut untuk cabaran seterusnya dan masuk ke Projek 3R dalam TV3!
- 2 orang akan memenangi tiket ke New york

Best kan hadiahnya, Nia target sampai final tapi apakan daya, mempunyai halangan. Terkilan rasa sebab ini merupakan impian Nia semenjak umur 16 tahun lagi nak enter contest then masuk tv. Why, peperiksaan paper last mesti 31 Oct ni nak buat, why contest tu mesti 31 Oct, tak boleh buat hari lain or hari sabtu dan ahad ke? Hmm ntah laa, kalau ada rezeki segalanya akan berubah untuk Nia mencapai impian Nia. I need miracle!