
Sunday 4 January 2015

Tanda-tanda Pasangan Curang

Tanda2 Pasangan Curang :        

- Takut terjumpa kekasih baru        

- Takut kantoi messege        

- Sebenarnya tengah date dgn orang lain        
- Sebab malas nak layan        

- Alasan line tadak padahal tengah replay messege orang lain      
- Alasan tidur padahal tengah dating dengan org lain
- Takut orang disana tunggu messege        

- Tengah bergayut dgn orang lain,alasan member call        

- Padahal nak bergayut dgn orang lain
#so jangan la buat mcm nie , setia lahh pada yang satu :D

Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year 2015 : tekad aku

Tiba-tiba aku merasakan diri ku seolah-olah tiada apa tujuan untuk aku hidup. Diriku terasa hina dengan kejahilan diri sendiri. Aku dari dulu sukar diterima masyarakat, walaupun aku merupakan seorang pelajar yang cemerlang atau best student semasa di sekolah rendah, sekolah agama, sekolah menengah, sebagai pelajar matrik dan sekarang bergelar siswa universiti tapi hakikatnya aku merasakan diriku seolah-olah berada dalam awang-awangan. Kehidupan aku lebih bergantung pada masyarakat di luar sana lebih daripada mengutamakan Tuhan yang Maha Pencipta dan keluarga.

Aku terasa malu untuk bersama keluarga kerana aku lebih seronok berada diluar sana, dunia yang penuh keseronokkan tetapi dalam masa yang sama penuh dengan penipuan dan pengkhianatan antara masyarakat yang ku merasakan bahagia apabila bersama mereka.

Hakikatnya mungkin aku ini semua perasaan negetif aku yang sangat menebal dengan kedendaman zaman silam ku dengan penuh kegelapan. Ku merasakan ada masyarakat yang cuba ingin menerimaku kembali dengan membawa diriku ke Sang Pencipta. Aku merasakan keseganan yang menebal dalam diri aku untuk kembali pada-Nya.

Mungkinkah ini semua merupakan hasutan syaitan dan iblis yang menjadikan manusia ego dan lalai untuk menerima ajaran-Nya sampaikan ku memilih lebih selesa melakarkan sendiri jalan aku sendiri tetapi hakikatnya ku merasakan jalanku ini sunyi dan kosong?

Aku kemurungan dan ingin merasakan untuk hidup bersendirian kerana tidak ingin menyusahkan, memberi ketidakan keselesaan kepada masyarakat, tetapi hakikatnya aku masih perlukan perhatian dari mereka sebab itu aku menulis dalam blog ini. Adakah blog ini seperti adalah untuk mereka yang kesunyian atau untuk berkongsi sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka?

Semua itu terpulang kepada hati masing-masing dan apa tujuan mereka untuk melakarkan laman web sendiri. Aku menghormati keputusan mereka yang mempunyai idea yang tersendiri kerana aku masih tetap mempunyai prinsip dan pendirian tersendiri.

Sekarang aku tekad hidup mencari Sang Pencinta atau aku masih yang dulu?

Saturday 27 December 2014

Fakta nutrisi kongsi2 :D

last. Gula
1. Fruktosa: gula yang sangat manis yang juga terkandung di dalam buah-buahan dan madu
2. Sorbitol: pemanis yang sering dijadikan sebagai pengganti gula pada penderita diabetes
3. Inositol: zat manis ini dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat dan sering dianggap sebagai makanan otak
Protein dan asid amino
1. Glutathione: antioksidan penting yang dapat mengikat racun seperti logam berat, pelarut dan pestisida
2. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): asam nukleat yang mengandungi instruksi genetik yang digunakan dalam pengembangan dan fungsi dari semua organisme hidup
3. Creatine: pasokan energi untuk kontraksi otot
1. Fosfor: membantu tubuh menyerap kalsium untuk membuat tulang kuat
2. Zink
3. Magnesium: membantu mempertahankan otot normal dan fungsi saraf, menjaga irama jantung stabil, mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh yang sehat, membuat tulang kuat, membantu mengatur tingkat gula darah, meningkatkan tekanan darah normal, dan juga terlibat dalam metabolisme energi dan sintesis protein.
4. Kalsium: membuat tulang kuat
5. Kalium: sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan normal tubuh dan untuk penggantian jaringan usang
1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C): dapat membantu seseorang nampak lebih muda dan cantik. Vitamin C juga mendorong pertumbuhan rantai protein dalam kolagen, yang merupakan bahan utama dalam semua jaringan berserat.
2. Vitamin B12 : meningkatkan energi
3. Kolin: mempertajam pikiran
1. Testosteron: mendorong fungsi seksual dan meningkatkan dorongan seks
2. Prostaglandin: berpartisipasi dalam berbagai fungsi tubuh seperti kontraksi dan relaksasi otot polos, dilatasi dan penyempitan pembuluh darah, kontrol tekanan darah, dan modulasi peradangan.
Produk tubuh
1. Asid laktat
2. Urea
3. Asid urat
4. Nitrogen
Gara-gara kandungan sperma yang bergizi ini banyak yang percaya sperma yang ditelan perempuan bikin awet muda. Tapi hingga kini belum ada kajian yang menunjukkan menelan sperma melambat proses penuaan. Efek yang mungkin ditimbulkan hanyalah psikis saja, dalam hal ini sang perempuan merasa bahagia dan berhasil memuaskan pasangannya.
Juga belum ada bukti ilmiah yang menunjukkan apakah bahan tersebut bermanfaat ditelan oleh manusia. Yang jelas air mani yang sihat dan tidak terinfeksi penyakit akan membuat calon embrio juga sihat.
Tak pacaye jgk... ce la tryyy...hehe  

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Jom Baca : Tips dan petua suka suki yang benar

✓ Semut benci timun, letakkan kulit timun berdekatan dengan lubang atau sarang semut atau di mana terdapat banyak semut.
✓ Untuk mengilatkan cermin, cucilah dengan minuman Sprite.
✓ Untuk menanggalkan chewing gum yang melekat pada baju, masukkan baju tersebut ke dalam freezer dan simpan selama 1 jam.
✓ Untuk memutihkan baju putih, rendam dengan hirisan lemon selama 10 minit.
✓ Untuk rambut nampak berseri, bubuh 1 sudu teh cuka makan dan sapu rata di bahagian atas rambut, kemudian terus dibilas.
✓ Untuk membanyakkan jus lemon, rendamkan lemon di dalam air panas selama 1 jam.
✓ Untuk menghindarkan bau busuk pada sampah di dapur, letakan sekeping roti ketika kita memasak.
✓ Kalau baju terkena dawat, untuk menghilangkannya, sapu ubat gigi pada tempat yang terkena dawat itu dan biarkan ubat gigi tersebut hingga kering kemudian baru cuci.
✓ Untuk menghindarkan tikus, taburkan serbuk lada hitam di mana tikus selalu ada. Tikus akan lari dan bermain jauh dari situ.
✓ Meminum air suam 1 atau 2 gelas sebelum tidur boleh mengurangkan 90% dari serangan jantung. Begitu juga bila bangun pagi.
Seperti yang kita maklum, air sangat penting pada sistem badan kita tapi kadang-kadang kita tidak ambil tau kenapa kita harus meminum air suam.
Meminum air pada masa yang sesuai dengan kadar maksimum yang diperlukan oleh tubuh manusia akan membawa kesan yang baik:
• Meminum 1 gelas air selepas bangun boleh mengaktifkan organ-organ dalaman.
• Meminum 1 gelas air 30 minit sebelum makan membantu penghadaman.
• Meminum 1 gelas air sebelum mandi boleh membantu mengurangkan tekanan darah.
• Meminum 1 gelas air sebelum tidur boleh menghindarkan strok dan serangan jantung.
Copy & paste untuk saudara mara dan kawan-kawan........
****Jangan kedekut ilmu. 
Sila kongsi untuk manfaat bersama....
***terima kasih!!!  

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Part 2 : Dove Hair Fall Solution

Hi guys, sorry that i am late for updation about Dove Hair Fall Solution. There are many things that I need to take care about such as bisness : please come and like my pages k. And the other one is my offical page. ;-)

Orait, after 2 weeks I had use DOve Hair Fall Solution Gel, I can say there are improvement of my hair. I'm so sorry, I had capture the my total hair fall but its had been missing form my phone memory. :(

After finish the last bottle, I just use the Dove's Shampoo and Conditioner.

This is my current hair fall accumulated without any I comb my hair, sorry I forgot.

So I think I need to purchase more Dove hair fall serum gel for treatmeant. BTW, thank you for your visited :)

Monday 22 December 2014

Fall in love with a crush? You're fool actually

Fall in love with a crush?
You're fool actually
Why am I gonna say this?
Because you had see them
For everyday, every hour and every second
Inside your heart
But they will not see you in their life
Or even appreciate
Like other people who had been see you
Inside their heart

You will not see the people who admire you
Because you're fool and blind
For people who are feel your not exist
But you just a toy when they need you

Monday 20 October 2014

Sponsor Review : Dove Hair Fall Rescue

Hi, it have been long time I was not updating my beauty blog but I am promise not give up to continue my journey about make a review about the product. I have the problem issue with which I can't log in back in my account so the money just fly away after more than 1 year I was with them as advertiser. I hope they will help me to fix the issue :')

Today, I will make sponsor review from Dove Hair Fall Rescue which I got from Dove Empowerment Workshop on last year of November 2013. The hair care product consist of shampoo, conditioner and serum treatment.

1) Shampoo 

Product Description:

Dove Intense Repair Shampoo contains Keratin Actives that go deep within, to help rebuild damaged hair at the cellular level*. It makes your hair beautifully smooth, strong and resilient to damage. 

Directions to use the Dove Intense Repair Shampoo : 
1. After washing your hair thoroughly take 2 to 3 drops of the intense repair shampoo, equal to size of a coin, on your palm.
2. Then apply the dove shampoo, gently massaging it all over your hair from the roots to the tips.
3. Leave the dove shampoo on your hair for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off completely. 

2) Conditioner

Product Description:

Dove Hair Fall Rescue Conditioner contains Nutrilock actives that locks in the nourishment, strengthen and protects hair against hair fall^. It nourishes from the roots up and reduces hair fall^ , giving visibly fuller hair*
Directions to use the Dove Hair Fall Rescue Conditioner
1. Place a small amount of the hair fall rescue conditioner, equal to size of a coin, on your palm. 
2. Apply it on your hair by running your fingers through them starting from the roots and all the way down to the tips. 
3. Leave the conditioner on your hair for a minute then rinse it off well.
4. For best results, use with Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo.
^Hair Fall due to breakage. *Based on regular use of Dove Hair Fall Rescue. 

3) Serum Treatment
The New Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment* strengthens and nourishes strands from the roots helping you control hair fall. It contains Trichozole active with Ginseng and Soy Protein that reduce damage at the roots and help lock your hair firmly in place - so you have the freedom from hair fall in just 2 weeks. Use Dove and see the difference.

Directions to use the New Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment: 

1. Wash hair as usual and towel dry.
2. Break open flat nozzle cap and apply lotion directly on clean scalp.
3. Make series of partings and apply lotion evenly to the scalp.
4. Massage lotion for 2-3 minutes to let it penetrate into the roots of your hair.
5. Use entire content of one vial at each application and leave it until next wash. Style as usual. (Must be left on for atleast 8 hours).
6. For best results, apply on clean scalp soon after towel dry & use every two days.  


I got hair fall problem which I think because of using the wrong shampoo brand or lifestyle factor. So its time for me to take care my 'Miss Crown' .
After took a shower with shampoo and conditioner used, I brushed my hair wisely then those were all the result of my hair fall. 

the serum treatment's bottle opened easily.

I am lazy to show you how I put this gel on my hair because it is look ugly at the angle I think.

purplish gel, it smell nice and very aromatic.
1 package hair treatment serum have 7pc of bottle. It said used for every 2 days, don't wash it. I just used it once so I will update after 2 week of the changes. Part 2

Thank you for visiting!

Nasib gadget dalam kehidupan aku


Dari tahun 2012, aku meninginkan sesuatu yang canggih, sesuatu yang tidak ketinggalan zaman iaitu smartphone (sebab adalah seseorang yang mulut tempayan ini membocorkan rahsia aku membawa phone pemberian ayah aku dari form 2 ke sekolah, semasa itu aku nak lari dari sportcheck asrama, malang tidak berbau, aku sentiasa menyalahkan diri atas kecuaian dan kelurusan aku tentang harapkan pagar tetapi pagar makan pagi :p). Jadi aku nekad untuk mendapatkan kembali phone aku walaupun dengan duit aku sendiri (tanpa bapa aku ketahui), kata cikgu disiplin aku itu dulu kecuali selepas akhir tahun >,< .Sebelum dan selepas SPM, aku bekerja sebagai promoter astro selama 5-6 bulan, gaji kasar boleh dikira dengan jari RM600 je sebulan hanya komesion dan tiada pendapatan basic. Ini amat memeritkan, aku berasa tidak berbaloi dengan pengorbanan aku bekerja, perit lelah datang dari rumah ke rumah, panas terik, so whatever. Aku berharapkan dari Boss aku untuk membelikan aku smartphone,

Tiba masa sahaja sudah mendapatkan smartphone samsung galazy S3 mini RM1200++ setelah 6 bulan penat lelah kerja disitu ditambah dengan kawan yang bermakan kawan, phone tu pulak kena dirompak oleh betina yang tidak berhati perut setelah kesemua usaha aku. Tapi tak apalah aku hanya menerima takdir aku.

Sudah beberapa bulan aku kemurungan dan kemasukan matrik mengubah sedikit sebanyak kehidupan aku untuk meneruskan hidup. Belom pon berakhir kedendaman aku, aku sudah dipermainkan oleh beberapa orang manusia iniyang telah menghancurkan hidup aku. Jadi terpaksa aku lalui zaman atau 'tahun' kemurungan aku ini, Ada juga yang menghadiahkan aku phone yang hanya bermodalkan RM300++ tetapi aku rasa tidak berbaloi dengan apa yang dia telah meragut jiwa dan raga aku, ia tidak lah phone yang secanggih mana,

Sekarang ini, aku menjejakkan kaki ke universiti. Ibu bapa aku tersangatlah gembira dan menghadiahkan aku sebuah smartphone branded Oppo Yoyo RN800++ dan dengan aku2 sekali kena keluarkan modal sedikit. Aku tersangatlah gembira akan tetapi Oppo Yoyo harganya agak mahal tetapi aku tidak dapat meng'install' kesemua app kerana kesempitan rom atau lain2? Apa pendapat anda? Apa2 hal aku kena gegar jugak kedai yang menrecommendkan brand ini :P

Sekian terima kasih

                       Miss Nia Welcome Back! aka Meow Nia right now!

Monday 31 March 2014

Korang hidup untuk apa dan siapa?

Hi Salam semua,

Cur tanya pada diri korang, korang hidup untuk apa dan siapa?

Adakah untuk ibu bapa korang? untuk dapat keredhaan Allah?

Ataupun untuk diri sendiri? untuk mencapai apa yang dimatlamatkan. menjadi yang tebaik ataupun inginkan dipuji dan dikenali?

Cur tepuk dada, tanya laa hati dan tanya laa iman.

Wasalam. . .

P/S : agak sukar ye na update kosmetik sebab gambar-gambar banyak yang hilang.

Wednesday 12 March 2014


Hello guys,

Let me tell you about someone who had in depression because it is very dangerous symptom, I can't really know about the fact because I am not a doctor but what I can do is share about something called quotes

I hate everything that I am doing alone. There's no the world called together for me.
Everything not going well yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow too.
Try hard to fix it but everything gonna be disaster.
I don't want feel any hurt again
I only can see a knife to reveal my pain
I can't smile, I am empty
Try out everything but got nothing to do
I think nobody know me because I am invisible 
Try to eat anything that make others people smile but I found none
I want to cry but there's no more tear. . .
because  I'm losing hope. . . . tired . . . . 

Let last she kill herself
The end ~

Saturday 22 February 2014

Cara Memutuskan Hubungan Cinta Dengan Baik

Bercinta lama-lama akhirnya bermasalah dah putus. Ada yang putus secara diam-diam, ada juga putus kerana pihak ketiga. Sebaik-baiknya hendaklah memilih cara yang terbaik agar dapat menimbulkan situasi menang menang.

Bagi anda yang sudah merasakan tidak sesuai lagi dengan kekasih anda atau ingin berpisah, lebih baik mengutarakan secara gentleman. Tidak perlu mencari jalan yang tidak elok misalnya berpacaran dengan orang lain atau mengatakan putus melalui sms. Hal demikian membuatkan kekasih anda berasa marah dan terhina.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa tips untuk anda cara memutuskan hubungan cinta secara baik-baik.

Dengan jujur bermakna anda berusaha menjaga hati perasaan kekasih anda. Bersikap gentleman lah dan bincangkan masalah tersebut dengan baik-baik agar pasangan anda tidak tersakiti.

Kenapa tidak? Setiap orang pasti sukar untuk membina hubungan baik dengan bekas kekasih, apakan lagi mejadikannya sebagai tempat luahan hati dan perasaan. Walaupun sukar, beberapa orang berjaya mengubah status kekasih menjadi kawan.

Maafkan diri sendiri dan orang lain itu perlu, sebab jika kita tidak kita akan menghadapi rasa bersalah berterusan. Jika anda sudah yakin ingin meluahkan perasaan anda yang sebenar-benarnya, maka anda haruslah berani mengambil risiko. Anda tidak perlu berasa bersalah, kerana lambat atau cepat hal ini akan terjadi.

Anda Sebaik-baiknya jangan memutuskan hubungan dengannya di tempat awam, kerana boleh menyebabkan si dia terkejut dan tidak dapat menerima hakikat itu. Maka, pilihlah tempat yang tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh mengganggu anda berdua.

Setelah anda mengutarakan isi hati anda sebenar-benarnya, anda juga haruslah memberi kesempatan kepadanya untuk mengungkapkan isi hatinya. Anda jangan mementingkan perasaan peribadi dan yakinkan pasangan anda bahawa dia dapat bertemu pasangan yang lebih ideal untuknya.

So,jangan kita memutuskan kekasih tapi hubungan juga hancur malah menjadi musuh. Jangan sampai seperti memutuskan hubungan tali perasaudaraan. Kesimpulannya, biar putus hubungan cinta tapi jangan sampai putus tali perasaudaraan sesama kita. Terima Kasih

Saturday 15 February 2014


Hello everyone,

It had been a while I didn't update my blog because there are so many problem that was happened to me. Today, I feel kind of balance and  under control so I may write this entry for you guys. No force needed. What I had been learn beside my problem is we are everlasting student where we are keep doing mistake until we death and just a time will make us to understand somethings that we are crying, pain, losing and unsure state.

Actually during in my semester 2, I don't really focus on my study. Now I realize how much time that I had been waste. I am so regard because I do not perform well in examination of UPS 2 and in at least that 2 month, the PSPM 2 will started very soon. But, anyway I want to sure that I will keep do all the best, the must important is keep trying and don't ever give up. Believe yourself and make yourself smile will bring others smile.

Well, it had been long time I actually had went to Camera Highlandon with my beloved friend and her family on 8 - 10 Disember 2013.
I don't own this picture. Lalala

On that time, the temperature is 20 C below i think. I just wear long sleeve shirt. Its really cold actually but if you do not think about itso you won't feel anything. On that time also I meet someone be as his friend. He from Sabah but after that we are lost contact for some reason. Its okay just want to say that I miss you my dear friend.

Well thanks for this lovely family because give me breath and warm love after I am broken heart. :(

 Her mother are so nice to me. I really miss this mom, wishing if I could meet her again.
 This is me where I love the red flower because it is really attractive.
 The red one is my friend aka my friend who really understand me and accept the way you are.

What is wonderful life if we can see precious gift from Allah. There a lot right. Btw, thanks for visit.

Sunday 19 January 2014

KMP life : 4 flat, do you think you good enough?


I think you all knows that I got prefect score on Semester 1 in my collage but I don't know why suddenly I feel emptiness.

Dear Pengarah, please put wifi! I am hard to breath without it!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

I can't smile
I can't be bright
I can't be pure
I can't be innocent

but I try acting like that so everyone could accept me in this world. Just pretend myself to be good person, cheerful and strong but still I can't hiding it.

I just need someone who I can share my life with, whether it is positive or negative, do it together what we want to do. Just want be together and there's no gap between us because you're part of me where ain't prefect our life without one of us there. I think this is called a 'soulmate'. Yeah, I think it is hard to find it.

I mean do it together just a like we both have the same interest, feel wonderful together and feel pain together. I love to try something new whether it is give benefit or destroy to ourself, i just want to try and feel it. You may stop me from do it that but you will not let me doing it alone. 

If you really think you can't even do what I am do then you're not leave me alone or talking shit on my backside because you're knowing my faith is different from yours. When you're alone you will find me and do what we want to do together but once you're have someone really love you or other friends, you can't even follow me or I feel that we already have a gap between us where you're starting feeling I am stranger and I also feel it. Sometime, I think that why would this happened? How close we are before then you're just forget it all?

Wednesday 11 December 2013

There's no true love on that world

I think that I am living on the both side of the world where I am acting like a character not to good as Solehah girl or bad as evil girl. I could be both beside I am living on sin city, full of party, one night stand, drug, gangster, smoke and drink but still I want to find a true love, I thought they are there but I was mistake. It is full of lie and fake. I am so naive.

Saturday 30 November 2013

Dove Empowerment Workshop on 9 November 2013

Hello and watsapp to you guys,

Today I am feeling a little bit cheerful to write in this event. I had have problem with my love one, so I think that better to give him space being alone. :/ Hope so if he won't leave me because I already tired when it's come to be in relationship luckily there is someone to chill me out, thank you very much!

Umm orait talking about this post,  I had get an exclusive invited from Dove on 9 November ago then now I am going tell you about the best event ever in my life. So, how to get the exclusive invitation? It is simple just like ABC,where you have to stay turn about their page here, if there any updated about incoming event, please do not be shy to do what they ask to do. I just answer the simple question about who is the most empowerment women that you are admire with. For me,I think the businesswomen who I admire with.

The Empowerment workshop conducted at Impiana KLCC hotel which is 5 stars hotel!

See how the toilet is like castal when you're step it. I felt that it was different between you're watching TV with you are experience it. I can't wait for the next exciting event!
Firstly, after me and my sister take lift, the lady of staff greeting us very well here. What we have to do are register, write you card then take the picture as the side. The card ask you question "Apa yang akan anda lakukan jika anda bebas dari rambut gugur?" For me I will do the craziness style hair. Haha, that
sound like selfish.

Me and my sister

I have activity here, so will continue soon. Sorry for that, bye.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Review : SHISEIDO Ibuki

Hi guys,

On my last post recently, I had get SHISEIDO Ibuki for free sample here. So now I gonna want to do the review about this product.

The package look like had get higher confidential for safety to use this product. It's look like the ingredient was rarely but I am so lazy to type it again to you. Usually for the higher quality product have a sample for trial before we purchase the full one. So I can't want to experience to this luxury brand product.

Once I look into it, I thought it will include the full set  sample like cleanser and other but just get soften and moisturize such at picture above.


 Seem the two of this texture is soft. But but I already 2 times and my skin turn into worst :(
Arghhh, look at this! Maybe I am not suitable with this product. My skin turn into redness where sensitive do occur. I cry alone until death but luckily there is someone to asked me for patient. :') After 3 days, my skin turn back into normal. Finally!

So let me advice you, maybe it is embarrassing to asked for free sample to the beauty cosmetic branch but think about it how much had you lost your money to bought the unsuitable to skin right. Anyway this is the risk that I took just for entertainment my obsession. Ora it, see you again and don't forget to like my page, follow me on google+ and bla bla bla! Bye!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Beauty haul : sample product Disember 2013

Hello and whatups guys,
Maaf dah hampir 10 hari Nia tak update blog. Baru-baru ni macam2 perkara yang berlaku pada diri Nia. Tu lah Omak kato jangan main api, dogil. Ternyata Nia masih naif but it's ok tu semua pengalaman hidup, Nia akan sentiasa berfikiran positif untuk menghilangkan tekanan pada hati Nia. Harap orang itu bahagia. Um

Ok, Nia na tunjukkan koleksi sample produk yang Nia telah lama kumpulkan.

Sample produk dan cara mendapatkannya :
  1. New York skin solution trial - free treatment meh lihat pengalaman Nia untuk mendapatkan rawatan percuma di sini.
  2. Clinique Oiling control trial set - redeem it on 14th Dec 2013. Check out at this page.
  3. Estee Lauder - after you fill the form from this page, you will receive email such below and to print it out but sorry to said that the form was already close.
    4. Clarins sample - to go this page, actually the sample just for anti-aging skin but the beautician give me try out the other sample that suitable to my skin. :p
Cara-cara untuk mendapatkan sample agak tidak mudah tak tidak juga sukar kerana mempunyai tempoh masa tertentu jadi Nia terpaksa berkejar masa kerana cuti semester yang terhad dan bestfriend di Johor masing-masing sibuk study. Jadi Nia terpaksa pergi ambil sample ini seorang diri ditemani adik. :(

Akan datang Nia update pengalaman dan result pemakaian sample ini ye. Bye!

Friday 8 November 2013

Review : Finally, I found a women in Arche Pearl Cream in Arche bedak sejuk / powder lotion!

Hi guys,
I am surely that you all had know about Arche Pearl Cream right, which had become the most popular selling product  in a few month ago. It was recommend by 2 beauty Malay celebrity : Emma Maebong and Erin Malik! But but but, do you know that the Arche brand have variety of product such as cleanser, white cream and pearl cream which are selling around the world?
Damn, I want the arche cleanser foam so badly and  don't forget to see my review with arche pearl cream here which I have a good experience with Thailand beauty Arche product before. Suddenly I turn a little bit greedy because I want it all! Muahaha. The website above didn't show bedak sejuk (powder lotion). I was thinking it is because it easy to find at the runcit store (anywere!)

(See how fancy that I took the pictures just for this product!)
As I already said at the last post, I seen this women at arche pearl cream pack so that was mean this product is already existed for long ago. I am so impress this product are selling again because the last time I am using it 7 years ago ( my mom recommend it). I bought just RM2.90 for small bottle at runcit store. See how cheap it is the old product but the arche pearl cream I had bought before are freaky expensive (RM20) which basically the average cost is not more than RM 3 for 3g.  But it is normal for the seller put the highest price when at time of higher demand. 

I don't know the ingredient contain of this powder lotion because of using thai language (I wish to learn it!)
So how to apply it? It is easy as ABC.

 Firstly shake then apply!

I felt my skin so fresh after the powder pad into my face and I am happy with it because it will follow your skin tone after drying just in 5 second! 
Something I felt like I cannot live without it. I put up this powder lotion 3 times per day and it is very suitable when I use it for exercise which will not sticky like other powder compact.  So said good bye for heavy make up while sweating activities! Totally the rate given is


The smell is nice, but I think not everybody love it but me does. If you are unsure what powder lotion you want to put on your face, try arche powder lotion besides thanaka bedak sejuk! But not all had suitable skin with thanaka include me here.

So thank you for reading,hope you're enjoy it!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Beauty Haul : Oktober 2013 - dove whitening, sunsilk hair fall solution, magazines, lancome skin prection duo, ibuki shisheido, darlie expert white

Salam Maal Hijrah 1435H,

Akhirnya terdetik juga hati aku untuk meneruskan perjalanan dalam penulisan blog ini. Bukan hanya mati sebegitu sahaja selepas beberapa post yang di'submit'kan. You know what I mean. Sekarang saya sedang cuti semester 1 dari Kolej Matrikluasi Perlis (KMP) selepas saya telah menjadi gila berjuang untuk Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi (PSPM) 2013/2014. Harap-harap saya memperolehi 4 flat. AMIN!

Sekarang barulah jari jemari saya gatal untuk menulis blog entry ini sekian 5 hari di rumah membesarkan bontot kerana kekurangan motivasi. Yelah mana taknya, tak ada plan apa-apa sepertinya hidup kita tanpa tujuan. Maka baru sekarang ini ada semangat kerana sesuatu plan dilaksanakan.

(apa yang kau merepek ni haa setann, just staright to point r!) Haha. Maka, saya akan mekemukakan beberapa produk kecantikkan yang sekian lama saya berjanji untuk menulisnya di post ini. Sepatutnya beauty haul ini adalah untuk bulan Oktober tetapi barulah sekarang saya terhegeh-hegah untuk menulisnya.

Semua ni adalah close up photo utk beauty produk, maaf laa saya malas na edit numbernya.  And of course ada yang Nia dapat free sample je, haha dari magazines. Yelah Nia pun bukan berduit pon :(

Baik, berikut adalah senarai produk dan review (akan datang) :

  1. Sunsilk Hair Fall Solution set (shampoo, conditioner and tonic- RM8.90, RM7.50, RM 5.90 each respectively.
  2. Ibuki Shisheido (softening concentration and  protective moisturizer) - free sample got voucher from Cleo Magazines isu Oktober 2013
  3. Darlie Expert White - got free sample from EH! magazines isu Oktober 2013
  4. Lancome skin perfection duo foundation - got sample by print voucher from this website.
  5. Dove whitening original deodorant - free sample from EH! magazines isu Oktober 2013 - challange
Yey, majoriti produk yang saya dapat adalah sample. Eii tak mahu, do i care, huh? Semua produk ini adalah tengah hot kat pasaran lagi-lagi Dove siap bagi challange 7 hari untuk bukti keberkesanannya di sini? Iye ke berkesan? Let's challange it!

BTW, I got crazy to buy all this, muahahaha.

Thanks for reading!


Tanda-tanda Pasangan Curang

Tanda2 Pasangan Curang :        

- Takut terjumpa kekasih baru        

- Takut kantoi messege        

- Sebenarnya tengah date dgn orang lain        
- Sebab malas nak layan        

- Alasan line tadak padahal tengah replay messege orang lain      
- Alasan tidur padahal tengah dating dengan org lain
- Takut orang disana tunggu messege        

- Tengah bergayut dgn orang lain,alasan member call        

- Padahal nak bergayut dgn orang lain
#so jangan la buat mcm nie , setia lahh pada yang satu :D

New Year 2015 : tekad aku

Tiba-tiba aku merasakan diri ku seolah-olah tiada apa tujuan untuk aku hidup. Diriku terasa hina dengan kejahilan diri sendiri. Aku dari dulu sukar diterima masyarakat, walaupun aku merupakan seorang pelajar yang cemerlang atau best student semasa di sekolah rendah, sekolah agama, sekolah menengah, sebagai pelajar matrik dan sekarang bergelar siswa universiti tapi hakikatnya aku merasakan diriku seolah-olah berada dalam awang-awangan. Kehidupan aku lebih bergantung pada masyarakat di luar sana lebih daripada mengutamakan Tuhan yang Maha Pencipta dan keluarga.

Aku terasa malu untuk bersama keluarga kerana aku lebih seronok berada diluar sana, dunia yang penuh keseronokkan tetapi dalam masa yang sama penuh dengan penipuan dan pengkhianatan antara masyarakat yang ku merasakan bahagia apabila bersama mereka.

Hakikatnya mungkin aku ini semua perasaan negetif aku yang sangat menebal dengan kedendaman zaman silam ku dengan penuh kegelapan. Ku merasakan ada masyarakat yang cuba ingin menerimaku kembali dengan membawa diriku ke Sang Pencipta. Aku merasakan keseganan yang menebal dalam diri aku untuk kembali pada-Nya.

Mungkinkah ini semua merupakan hasutan syaitan dan iblis yang menjadikan manusia ego dan lalai untuk menerima ajaran-Nya sampaikan ku memilih lebih selesa melakarkan sendiri jalan aku sendiri tetapi hakikatnya ku merasakan jalanku ini sunyi dan kosong?

Aku kemurungan dan ingin merasakan untuk hidup bersendirian kerana tidak ingin menyusahkan, memberi ketidakan keselesaan kepada masyarakat, tetapi hakikatnya aku masih perlukan perhatian dari mereka sebab itu aku menulis dalam blog ini. Adakah blog ini seperti adalah untuk mereka yang kesunyian atau untuk berkongsi sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka?

Semua itu terpulang kepada hati masing-masing dan apa tujuan mereka untuk melakarkan laman web sendiri. Aku menghormati keputusan mereka yang mempunyai idea yang tersendiri kerana aku masih tetap mempunyai prinsip dan pendirian tersendiri.

Sekarang aku tekad hidup mencari Sang Pencinta atau aku masih yang dulu?

Fakta nutrisi kongsi2 :D

last. Gula
1. Fruktosa: gula yang sangat manis yang juga terkandung di dalam buah-buahan dan madu
2. Sorbitol: pemanis yang sering dijadikan sebagai pengganti gula pada penderita diabetes
3. Inositol: zat manis ini dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut yang sehat dan sering dianggap sebagai makanan otak
Protein dan asid amino
1. Glutathione: antioksidan penting yang dapat mengikat racun seperti logam berat, pelarut dan pestisida
2. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): asam nukleat yang mengandungi instruksi genetik yang digunakan dalam pengembangan dan fungsi dari semua organisme hidup
3. Creatine: pasokan energi untuk kontraksi otot
1. Fosfor: membantu tubuh menyerap kalsium untuk membuat tulang kuat
2. Zink
3. Magnesium: membantu mempertahankan otot normal dan fungsi saraf, menjaga irama jantung stabil, mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh yang sehat, membuat tulang kuat, membantu mengatur tingkat gula darah, meningkatkan tekanan darah normal, dan juga terlibat dalam metabolisme energi dan sintesis protein.
4. Kalsium: membuat tulang kuat
5. Kalium: sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan normal tubuh dan untuk penggantian jaringan usang
1. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C): dapat membantu seseorang nampak lebih muda dan cantik. Vitamin C juga mendorong pertumbuhan rantai protein dalam kolagen, yang merupakan bahan utama dalam semua jaringan berserat.
2. Vitamin B12 : meningkatkan energi
3. Kolin: mempertajam pikiran
1. Testosteron: mendorong fungsi seksual dan meningkatkan dorongan seks
2. Prostaglandin: berpartisipasi dalam berbagai fungsi tubuh seperti kontraksi dan relaksasi otot polos, dilatasi dan penyempitan pembuluh darah, kontrol tekanan darah, dan modulasi peradangan.
Produk tubuh
1. Asid laktat
2. Urea
3. Asid urat
4. Nitrogen
Gara-gara kandungan sperma yang bergizi ini banyak yang percaya sperma yang ditelan perempuan bikin awet muda. Tapi hingga kini belum ada kajian yang menunjukkan menelan sperma melambat proses penuaan. Efek yang mungkin ditimbulkan hanyalah psikis saja, dalam hal ini sang perempuan merasa bahagia dan berhasil memuaskan pasangannya.
Juga belum ada bukti ilmiah yang menunjukkan apakah bahan tersebut bermanfaat ditelan oleh manusia. Yang jelas air mani yang sihat dan tidak terinfeksi penyakit akan membuat calon embrio juga sihat.
Tak pacaye jgk... ce la tryyy...hehe  

Jom Baca : Tips dan petua suka suki yang benar

✓ Semut benci timun, letakkan kulit timun berdekatan dengan lubang atau sarang semut atau di mana terdapat banyak semut.
✓ Untuk mengilatkan cermin, cucilah dengan minuman Sprite.
✓ Untuk menanggalkan chewing gum yang melekat pada baju, masukkan baju tersebut ke dalam freezer dan simpan selama 1 jam.
✓ Untuk memutihkan baju putih, rendam dengan hirisan lemon selama 10 minit.
✓ Untuk rambut nampak berseri, bubuh 1 sudu teh cuka makan dan sapu rata di bahagian atas rambut, kemudian terus dibilas.
✓ Untuk membanyakkan jus lemon, rendamkan lemon di dalam air panas selama 1 jam.
✓ Untuk menghindarkan bau busuk pada sampah di dapur, letakan sekeping roti ketika kita memasak.
✓ Kalau baju terkena dawat, untuk menghilangkannya, sapu ubat gigi pada tempat yang terkena dawat itu dan biarkan ubat gigi tersebut hingga kering kemudian baru cuci.
✓ Untuk menghindarkan tikus, taburkan serbuk lada hitam di mana tikus selalu ada. Tikus akan lari dan bermain jauh dari situ.
✓ Meminum air suam 1 atau 2 gelas sebelum tidur boleh mengurangkan 90% dari serangan jantung. Begitu juga bila bangun pagi.
Seperti yang kita maklum, air sangat penting pada sistem badan kita tapi kadang-kadang kita tidak ambil tau kenapa kita harus meminum air suam.
Meminum air pada masa yang sesuai dengan kadar maksimum yang diperlukan oleh tubuh manusia akan membawa kesan yang baik:
• Meminum 1 gelas air selepas bangun boleh mengaktifkan organ-organ dalaman.
• Meminum 1 gelas air 30 minit sebelum makan membantu penghadaman.
• Meminum 1 gelas air sebelum mandi boleh membantu mengurangkan tekanan darah.
• Meminum 1 gelas air sebelum tidur boleh menghindarkan strok dan serangan jantung.
Copy & paste untuk saudara mara dan kawan-kawan........
****Jangan kedekut ilmu. 
Sila kongsi untuk manfaat bersama....
***terima kasih!!!  

Part 2 : Dove Hair Fall Solution

Hi guys, sorry that i am late for updation about Dove Hair Fall Solution. There are many things that I need to take care about such as bisness : please come and like my pages k. And the other one is my offical page. ;-)

Orait, after 2 weeks I had use DOve Hair Fall Solution Gel, I can say there are improvement of my hair. I'm so sorry, I had capture the my total hair fall but its had been missing form my phone memory. :(

After finish the last bottle, I just use the Dove's Shampoo and Conditioner.

This is my current hair fall accumulated without any I comb my hair, sorry I forgot.

So I think I need to purchase more Dove hair fall serum gel for treatmeant. BTW, thank you for your visited :)

Fall in love with a crush? You're fool actually

Fall in love with a crush?
You're fool actually
Why am I gonna say this?
Because you had see them
For everyday, every hour and every second
Inside your heart
But they will not see you in their life
Or even appreciate
Like other people who had been see you
Inside their heart

You will not see the people who admire you
Because you're fool and blind
For people who are feel your not exist
But you just a toy when they need you

Sponsor Review : Dove Hair Fall Rescue

Hi, it have been long time I was not updating my beauty blog but I am promise not give up to continue my journey about make a review about the product. I have the problem issue with which I can't log in back in my account so the money just fly away after more than 1 year I was with them as advertiser. I hope they will help me to fix the issue :')

Today, I will make sponsor review from Dove Hair Fall Rescue which I got from Dove Empowerment Workshop on last year of November 2013. The hair care product consist of shampoo, conditioner and serum treatment.

1) Shampoo 

Product Description:

Dove Intense Repair Shampoo contains Keratin Actives that go deep within, to help rebuild damaged hair at the cellular level*. It makes your hair beautifully smooth, strong and resilient to damage. 

Directions to use the Dove Intense Repair Shampoo : 
1. After washing your hair thoroughly take 2 to 3 drops of the intense repair shampoo, equal to size of a coin, on your palm.
2. Then apply the dove shampoo, gently massaging it all over your hair from the roots to the tips.
3. Leave the dove shampoo on your hair for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off completely. 

2) Conditioner

Product Description:

Dove Hair Fall Rescue Conditioner contains Nutrilock actives that locks in the nourishment, strengthen and protects hair against hair fall^. It nourishes from the roots up and reduces hair fall^ , giving visibly fuller hair*
Directions to use the Dove Hair Fall Rescue Conditioner
1. Place a small amount of the hair fall rescue conditioner, equal to size of a coin, on your palm. 
2. Apply it on your hair by running your fingers through them starting from the roots and all the way down to the tips. 
3. Leave the conditioner on your hair for a minute then rinse it off well.
4. For best results, use with Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo.
^Hair Fall due to breakage. *Based on regular use of Dove Hair Fall Rescue. 

3) Serum Treatment
The New Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment* strengthens and nourishes strands from the roots helping you control hair fall. It contains Trichozole active with Ginseng and Soy Protein that reduce damage at the roots and help lock your hair firmly in place - so you have the freedom from hair fall in just 2 weeks. Use Dove and see the difference.

Directions to use the New Dove Hair Fall Rescue Treatment: 

1. Wash hair as usual and towel dry.
2. Break open flat nozzle cap and apply lotion directly on clean scalp.
3. Make series of partings and apply lotion evenly to the scalp.
4. Massage lotion for 2-3 minutes to let it penetrate into the roots of your hair.
5. Use entire content of one vial at each application and leave it until next wash. Style as usual. (Must be left on for atleast 8 hours).
6. For best results, apply on clean scalp soon after towel dry & use every two days.  


I got hair fall problem which I think because of using the wrong shampoo brand or lifestyle factor. So its time for me to take care my 'Miss Crown' .
After took a shower with shampoo and conditioner used, I brushed my hair wisely then those were all the result of my hair fall. 

the serum treatment's bottle opened easily.

I am lazy to show you how I put this gel on my hair because it is look ugly at the angle I think.

purplish gel, it smell nice and very aromatic.
1 package hair treatment serum have 7pc of bottle. It said used for every 2 days, don't wash it. I just used it once so I will update after 2 week of the changes. Part 2

Thank you for visiting!

Nasib gadget dalam kehidupan aku


Dari tahun 2012, aku meninginkan sesuatu yang canggih, sesuatu yang tidak ketinggalan zaman iaitu smartphone (sebab adalah seseorang yang mulut tempayan ini membocorkan rahsia aku membawa phone pemberian ayah aku dari form 2 ke sekolah, semasa itu aku nak lari dari sportcheck asrama, malang tidak berbau, aku sentiasa menyalahkan diri atas kecuaian dan kelurusan aku tentang harapkan pagar tetapi pagar makan pagi :p). Jadi aku nekad untuk mendapatkan kembali phone aku walaupun dengan duit aku sendiri (tanpa bapa aku ketahui), kata cikgu disiplin aku itu dulu kecuali selepas akhir tahun >,< .Sebelum dan selepas SPM, aku bekerja sebagai promoter astro selama 5-6 bulan, gaji kasar boleh dikira dengan jari RM600 je sebulan hanya komesion dan tiada pendapatan basic. Ini amat memeritkan, aku berasa tidak berbaloi dengan pengorbanan aku bekerja, perit lelah datang dari rumah ke rumah, panas terik, so whatever. Aku berharapkan dari Boss aku untuk membelikan aku smartphone,

Tiba masa sahaja sudah mendapatkan smartphone samsung galazy S3 mini RM1200++ setelah 6 bulan penat lelah kerja disitu ditambah dengan kawan yang bermakan kawan, phone tu pulak kena dirompak oleh betina yang tidak berhati perut setelah kesemua usaha aku. Tapi tak apalah aku hanya menerima takdir aku.

Sudah beberapa bulan aku kemurungan dan kemasukan matrik mengubah sedikit sebanyak kehidupan aku untuk meneruskan hidup. Belom pon berakhir kedendaman aku, aku sudah dipermainkan oleh beberapa orang manusia iniyang telah menghancurkan hidup aku. Jadi terpaksa aku lalui zaman atau 'tahun' kemurungan aku ini, Ada juga yang menghadiahkan aku phone yang hanya bermodalkan RM300++ tetapi aku rasa tidak berbaloi dengan apa yang dia telah meragut jiwa dan raga aku, ia tidak lah phone yang secanggih mana,

Sekarang ini, aku menjejakkan kaki ke universiti. Ibu bapa aku tersangatlah gembira dan menghadiahkan aku sebuah smartphone branded Oppo Yoyo RN800++ dan dengan aku2 sekali kena keluarkan modal sedikit. Aku tersangatlah gembira akan tetapi Oppo Yoyo harganya agak mahal tetapi aku tidak dapat meng'install' kesemua app kerana kesempitan rom atau lain2? Apa pendapat anda? Apa2 hal aku kena gegar jugak kedai yang menrecommendkan brand ini :P

Sekian terima kasih

                       Miss Nia Welcome Back! aka Meow Nia right now!

Korang hidup untuk apa dan siapa?

Hi Salam semua,

Cur tanya pada diri korang, korang hidup untuk apa dan siapa?

Adakah untuk ibu bapa korang? untuk dapat keredhaan Allah?

Ataupun untuk diri sendiri? untuk mencapai apa yang dimatlamatkan. menjadi yang tebaik ataupun inginkan dipuji dan dikenali?

Cur tepuk dada, tanya laa hati dan tanya laa iman.

Wasalam. . .

P/S : agak sukar ye na update kosmetik sebab gambar-gambar banyak yang hilang.


Hello guys,

Let me tell you about someone who had in depression because it is very dangerous symptom, I can't really know about the fact because I am not a doctor but what I can do is share about something called quotes

I hate everything that I am doing alone. There's no the world called together for me.
Everything not going well yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow too.
Try hard to fix it but everything gonna be disaster.
I don't want feel any hurt again
I only can see a knife to reveal my pain
I can't smile, I am empty
Try out everything but got nothing to do
I think nobody know me because I am invisible 
Try to eat anything that make others people smile but I found none
I want to cry but there's no more tear. . .
because  I'm losing hope. . . . tired . . . . 

Let last she kill herself
The end ~

Cara Memutuskan Hubungan Cinta Dengan Baik

Bercinta lama-lama akhirnya bermasalah dah putus. Ada yang putus secara diam-diam, ada juga putus kerana pihak ketiga. Sebaik-baiknya hendaklah memilih cara yang terbaik agar dapat menimbulkan situasi menang menang.

Bagi anda yang sudah merasakan tidak sesuai lagi dengan kekasih anda atau ingin berpisah, lebih baik mengutarakan secara gentleman. Tidak perlu mencari jalan yang tidak elok misalnya berpacaran dengan orang lain atau mengatakan putus melalui sms. Hal demikian membuatkan kekasih anda berasa marah dan terhina.

Dibawah ini ada beberapa tips untuk anda cara memutuskan hubungan cinta secara baik-baik.

Dengan jujur bermakna anda berusaha menjaga hati perasaan kekasih anda. Bersikap gentleman lah dan bincangkan masalah tersebut dengan baik-baik agar pasangan anda tidak tersakiti.

Kenapa tidak? Setiap orang pasti sukar untuk membina hubungan baik dengan bekas kekasih, apakan lagi mejadikannya sebagai tempat luahan hati dan perasaan. Walaupun sukar, beberapa orang berjaya mengubah status kekasih menjadi kawan.

Maafkan diri sendiri dan orang lain itu perlu, sebab jika kita tidak kita akan menghadapi rasa bersalah berterusan. Jika anda sudah yakin ingin meluahkan perasaan anda yang sebenar-benarnya, maka anda haruslah berani mengambil risiko. Anda tidak perlu berasa bersalah, kerana lambat atau cepat hal ini akan terjadi.

Anda Sebaik-baiknya jangan memutuskan hubungan dengannya di tempat awam, kerana boleh menyebabkan si dia terkejut dan tidak dapat menerima hakikat itu. Maka, pilihlah tempat yang tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh mengganggu anda berdua.

Setelah anda mengutarakan isi hati anda sebenar-benarnya, anda juga haruslah memberi kesempatan kepadanya untuk mengungkapkan isi hatinya. Anda jangan mementingkan perasaan peribadi dan yakinkan pasangan anda bahawa dia dapat bertemu pasangan yang lebih ideal untuknya.

So,jangan kita memutuskan kekasih tapi hubungan juga hancur malah menjadi musuh. Jangan sampai seperti memutuskan hubungan tali perasaudaraan. Kesimpulannya, biar putus hubungan cinta tapi jangan sampai putus tali perasaudaraan sesama kita. Terima Kasih


Hello everyone,

It had been a while I didn't update my blog because there are so many problem that was happened to me. Today, I feel kind of balance and  under control so I may write this entry for you guys. No force needed. What I had been learn beside my problem is we are everlasting student where we are keep doing mistake until we death and just a time will make us to understand somethings that we are crying, pain, losing and unsure state.

Actually during in my semester 2, I don't really focus on my study. Now I realize how much time that I had been waste. I am so regard because I do not perform well in examination of UPS 2 and in at least that 2 month, the PSPM 2 will started very soon. But, anyway I want to sure that I will keep do all the best, the must important is keep trying and don't ever give up. Believe yourself and make yourself smile will bring others smile.

Well, it had been long time I actually had went to Camera Highlandon with my beloved friend and her family on 8 - 10 Disember 2013.
I don't own this picture. Lalala

On that time, the temperature is 20 C below i think. I just wear long sleeve shirt. Its really cold actually but if you do not think about itso you won't feel anything. On that time also I meet someone be as his friend. He from Sabah but after that we are lost contact for some reason. Its okay just want to say that I miss you my dear friend.

Well thanks for this lovely family because give me breath and warm love after I am broken heart. :(

 Her mother are so nice to me. I really miss this mom, wishing if I could meet her again.
 This is me where I love the red flower because it is really attractive.
 The red one is my friend aka my friend who really understand me and accept the way you are.

What is wonderful life if we can see precious gift from Allah. There a lot right. Btw, thanks for visit.

KMP life : 4 flat, do you think you good enough?


I think you all knows that I got prefect score on Semester 1 in my collage but I don't know why suddenly I feel emptiness.

Dear Pengarah, please put wifi! I am hard to breath without it!
I can't smile
I can't be bright
I can't be pure
I can't be innocent

but I try acting like that so everyone could accept me in this world. Just pretend myself to be good person, cheerful and strong but still I can't hiding it.

I just need someone who I can share my life with, whether it is positive or negative, do it together what we want to do. Just want be together and there's no gap between us because you're part of me where ain't prefect our life without one of us there. I think this is called a 'soulmate'. Yeah, I think it is hard to find it.

I mean do it together just a like we both have the same interest, feel wonderful together and feel pain together. I love to try something new whether it is give benefit or destroy to ourself, i just want to try and feel it. You may stop me from do it that but you will not let me doing it alone. 

If you really think you can't even do what I am do then you're not leave me alone or talking shit on my backside because you're knowing my faith is different from yours. When you're alone you will find me and do what we want to do together but once you're have someone really love you or other friends, you can't even follow me or I feel that we already have a gap between us where you're starting feeling I am stranger and I also feel it. Sometime, I think that why would this happened? How close we are before then you're just forget it all?

There's no true love on that world

I think that I am living on the both side of the world where I am acting like a character not to good as Solehah girl or bad as evil girl. I could be both beside I am living on sin city, full of party, one night stand, drug, gangster, smoke and drink but still I want to find a true love, I thought they are there but I was mistake. It is full of lie and fake. I am so naive.

Dove Empowerment Workshop on 9 November 2013

Hello and watsapp to you guys,

Today I am feeling a little bit cheerful to write in this event. I had have problem with my love one, so I think that better to give him space being alone. :/ Hope so if he won't leave me because I already tired when it's come to be in relationship luckily there is someone to chill me out, thank you very much!

Umm orait talking about this post,  I had get an exclusive invited from Dove on 9 November ago then now I am going tell you about the best event ever in my life. So, how to get the exclusive invitation? It is simple just like ABC,where you have to stay turn about their page here, if there any updated about incoming event, please do not be shy to do what they ask to do. I just answer the simple question about who is the most empowerment women that you are admire with. For me,I think the businesswomen who I admire with.

The Empowerment workshop conducted at Impiana KLCC hotel which is 5 stars hotel!

See how the toilet is like castal when you're step it. I felt that it was different between you're watching TV with you are experience it. I can't wait for the next exciting event!
Firstly, after me and my sister take lift, the lady of staff greeting us very well here. What we have to do are register, write you card then take the picture as the side. The card ask you question "Apa yang akan anda lakukan jika anda bebas dari rambut gugur?" For me I will do the craziness style hair. Haha, that
sound like selfish.

Me and my sister

I have activity here, so will continue soon. Sorry for that, bye.

Review : SHISEIDO Ibuki

Hi guys,

On my last post recently, I had get SHISEIDO Ibuki for free sample here. So now I gonna want to do the review about this product.

The package look like had get higher confidential for safety to use this product. It's look like the ingredient was rarely but I am so lazy to type it again to you. Usually for the higher quality product have a sample for trial before we purchase the full one. So I can't want to experience to this luxury brand product.

Once I look into it, I thought it will include the full set  sample like cleanser and other but just get soften and moisturize such at picture above.


 Seem the two of this texture is soft. But but I already 2 times and my skin turn into worst :(
Arghhh, look at this! Maybe I am not suitable with this product. My skin turn into redness where sensitive do occur. I cry alone until death but luckily there is someone to asked me for patient. :') After 3 days, my skin turn back into normal. Finally!

So let me advice you, maybe it is embarrassing to asked for free sample to the beauty cosmetic branch but think about it how much had you lost your money to bought the unsuitable to skin right. Anyway this is the risk that I took just for entertainment my obsession. Ora it, see you again and don't forget to like my page, follow me on google+ and bla bla bla! Bye!

Beauty haul : sample product Disember 2013

Hello and whatups guys,
Maaf dah hampir 10 hari Nia tak update blog. Baru-baru ni macam2 perkara yang berlaku pada diri Nia. Tu lah Omak kato jangan main api, dogil. Ternyata Nia masih naif but it's ok tu semua pengalaman hidup, Nia akan sentiasa berfikiran positif untuk menghilangkan tekanan pada hati Nia. Harap orang itu bahagia. Um

Ok, Nia na tunjukkan koleksi sample produk yang Nia telah lama kumpulkan.

Sample produk dan cara mendapatkannya :
  1. New York skin solution trial - free treatment meh lihat pengalaman Nia untuk mendapatkan rawatan percuma di sini.
  2. Clinique Oiling control trial set - redeem it on 14th Dec 2013. Check out at this page.
  3. Estee Lauder - after you fill the form from this page, you will receive email such below and to print it out but sorry to said that the form was already close.
    4. Clarins sample - to go this page, actually the sample just for anti-aging skin but the beautician give me try out the other sample that suitable to my skin. :p
Cara-cara untuk mendapatkan sample agak tidak mudah tak tidak juga sukar kerana mempunyai tempoh masa tertentu jadi Nia terpaksa berkejar masa kerana cuti semester yang terhad dan bestfriend di Johor masing-masing sibuk study. Jadi Nia terpaksa pergi ambil sample ini seorang diri ditemani adik. :(

Akan datang Nia update pengalaman dan result pemakaian sample ini ye. Bye!

Review : Finally, I found a women in Arche Pearl Cream in Arche bedak sejuk / powder lotion!

Hi guys,
I am surely that you all had know about Arche Pearl Cream right, which had become the most popular selling product  in a few month ago. It was recommend by 2 beauty Malay celebrity : Emma Maebong and Erin Malik! But but but, do you know that the Arche brand have variety of product such as cleanser, white cream and pearl cream which are selling around the world?
Damn, I want the arche cleanser foam so badly and  don't forget to see my review with arche pearl cream here which I have a good experience with Thailand beauty Arche product before. Suddenly I turn a little bit greedy because I want it all! Muahaha. The website above didn't show bedak sejuk (powder lotion). I was thinking it is because it easy to find at the runcit store (anywere!)

(See how fancy that I took the pictures just for this product!)
As I already said at the last post, I seen this women at arche pearl cream pack so that was mean this product is already existed for long ago. I am so impress this product are selling again because the last time I am using it 7 years ago ( my mom recommend it). I bought just RM2.90 for small bottle at runcit store. See how cheap it is the old product but the arche pearl cream I had bought before are freaky expensive (RM20) which basically the average cost is not more than RM 3 for 3g.  But it is normal for the seller put the highest price when at time of higher demand. 

I don't know the ingredient contain of this powder lotion because of using thai language (I wish to learn it!)
So how to apply it? It is easy as ABC.

 Firstly shake then apply!

I felt my skin so fresh after the powder pad into my face and I am happy with it because it will follow your skin tone after drying just in 5 second! 
Something I felt like I cannot live without it. I put up this powder lotion 3 times per day and it is very suitable when I use it for exercise which will not sticky like other powder compact.  So said good bye for heavy make up while sweating activities! Totally the rate given is


The smell is nice, but I think not everybody love it but me does. If you are unsure what powder lotion you want to put on your face, try arche powder lotion besides thanaka bedak sejuk! But not all had suitable skin with thanaka include me here.

So thank you for reading,hope you're enjoy it!

Beauty Haul : Oktober 2013 - dove whitening, sunsilk hair fall solution, magazines, lancome skin prection duo, ibuki shisheido, darlie expert white

Salam Maal Hijrah 1435H,

Akhirnya terdetik juga hati aku untuk meneruskan perjalanan dalam penulisan blog ini. Bukan hanya mati sebegitu sahaja selepas beberapa post yang di'submit'kan. You know what I mean. Sekarang saya sedang cuti semester 1 dari Kolej Matrikluasi Perlis (KMP) selepas saya telah menjadi gila berjuang untuk Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi (PSPM) 2013/2014. Harap-harap saya memperolehi 4 flat. AMIN!

Sekarang barulah jari jemari saya gatal untuk menulis blog entry ini sekian 5 hari di rumah membesarkan bontot kerana kekurangan motivasi. Yelah mana taknya, tak ada plan apa-apa sepertinya hidup kita tanpa tujuan. Maka baru sekarang ini ada semangat kerana sesuatu plan dilaksanakan.

(apa yang kau merepek ni haa setann, just staright to point r!) Haha. Maka, saya akan mekemukakan beberapa produk kecantikkan yang sekian lama saya berjanji untuk menulisnya di post ini. Sepatutnya beauty haul ini adalah untuk bulan Oktober tetapi barulah sekarang saya terhegeh-hegah untuk menulisnya.

Semua ni adalah close up photo utk beauty produk, maaf laa saya malas na edit numbernya.  And of course ada yang Nia dapat free sample je, haha dari magazines. Yelah Nia pun bukan berduit pon :(

Baik, berikut adalah senarai produk dan review (akan datang) :

  1. Sunsilk Hair Fall Solution set (shampoo, conditioner and tonic- RM8.90, RM7.50, RM 5.90 each respectively.
  2. Ibuki Shisheido (softening concentration and  protective moisturizer) - free sample got voucher from Cleo Magazines isu Oktober 2013
  3. Darlie Expert White - got free sample from EH! magazines isu Oktober 2013
  4. Lancome skin perfection duo foundation - got sample by print voucher from this website.
  5. Dove whitening original deodorant - free sample from EH! magazines isu Oktober 2013 - challange
Yey, majoriti produk yang saya dapat adalah sample. Eii tak mahu, do i care, huh? Semua produk ini adalah tengah hot kat pasaran lagi-lagi Dove siap bagi challange 7 hari untuk bukti keberkesanannya di sini? Iye ke berkesan? Let's challange it!

BTW, I got crazy to buy all this, muahahaha.

Thanks for reading!